Monday, September 3, 2012

Because of conflicting events in the theater space, figure drawing will not be taking place every 2nd and 4th monday in the future. I'll be figuring out the schedule as we go along, but here are the scheduled days for the next 2 months:

Monday, September 17th
Monday, October 1st
Monday, October 15th

Time will still be 7-9pm, and will continue taking place in the Chapel Theater space off of Oregon street in Milepost 5 (850 NE 81st Ave). Cost will continue to be $5.

Some people have asked whether there are drawing horses or easels available; unfortunately we can only provide the model and seating at the moment, but I'll be looking into getting equipment donated in the next months.

Thanks to everyone that has been coming out, and I'll see you on the 17th. Feel free to email me with any suggestions or questions about future drawing sessions at